Logistics & Transportation Solution

A software development company that promotes logistics and transportation business for better fleet management, streamlined communication, and better customer service with emerging technologies.

Clients & Partners

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Our Expertise Spans Diverse Industries

Logistics is generally the detailed organization and implementation of a complex operation. In a general business sense, logistics is the management of the flow of things between the point of origin and the point of consumption to meet the requirements of customers


Our Solution for the Logistics and Transportation Industry

We provide complete software solutions for the Logistics and Transportation Industry with the integration of contemporary technologies. Our solutions could optimize traffic routes and enhance business processes.

Streamline your workflow

We help automate your everyday tasks, reduce redundancy, provide real-time updates. In a nutshell, we streamline your workflow from anything to everything in the possibility.

Fleet Management

ComfNet developers have hands-on experience in providing robust fleet management solutions of any size and complexity & with seamless integrations.

Vehicle Management

Our vehicle management solutions provide hi-tech vehicle experience with the incorporation of remote control apps, internet, voice-activated assistance, and GPS for planning routes.

Data Maintenance

Everything is data. And you probably know how data could change things upside down. Our team of experts can help transform both the unstructured and structured data into actionable insights.


Always ears to help you out regarding any stage of logistics and transportation software development.

Maintenance & Support

ComfNet Solutions render support and maintenance as long as you need our technical advice or help.

Progress Bars

mobile development 70%
web development 90%
ui/ux design 60%

Sales Online
by 2040


Digital Sales
via Mobile

Time for a rethink

It is unacceptable to pretend that digital transformation is decreasing the number of jobs over the years. Jobs are always around. They are just changing from form one to another. 

                                                                                                                                                                   -Prashant Chauhan, Technical Director, ComfNet 


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