Retail & e-Commerce Solutions

With over 5+ years of expertise in the industry, ComfNet develops reliable retail and wholesale software solutions for domains such as clothing, grocery, home furnishing, health & personal care, food & beverage, Electronic, and appliances, etc.

Clients & Partners

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Our Expertise Spans Diverse Industries

E-commerce is the activity of electronically buying or selling products on online services or over the Internet.

Our Retail Software Development Expertise

Increase your Retail and Wholesale Profitability with our Advanced Solutions

In-Store Experience

There is no denying the shopping experience has truly transformed over time. To keep up with the change in shopping patterns, we integrate digital signages, mobile applications, IoT, sensors, wearable technology to deliver personalized circumstantial in-store experiences.

Advanced Software Analytics

The dynamic nature of the business can create bottlenecks at any point in the supply chain. On that note, we developed our data analytic services to define optimized routing, detect satisfactory issues, streamline factory functions, predict customer behavior, and real-time insights in a your language.

Retail Software Infrastructure

Whether you need a full-featured system or specific modules, we design retail applications that enable personalized shopping across a variety of platforms, infrastructures, and connected channels.

Customer Loyalty Solutions

Loyalty is the first law of business to retain the customers in any business. ComfNet Solutions incorporate advanced functionalities in your retail and e-commerce software that keeps your customers content and your pockets packed.

Maximum Customer Engagement

You cannot buy engagement, you have to build engagement. Our software solution helps you maximize customer engagement and turn your browsers into buyers with personalized communication, social media integration, provide interactive content, etc.

Compliance and Security

Our retail software solutions are compliant according to all security standards and requirements. Further, security and compliance enhance your data management capabilities that not only support privacy but improve operational efficiency as well.

Progress Bars

mobile development 70%
web development 90%
ui/ux design 60%

Sales Online
by 2040


Digital Sales
via Mobile


If you’re competitor-focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing something. Being customer-focused allows you to be more pioneering.
                                                                                                                                                                            – Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon

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